License Verification

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License Number: PA3666

Data As Of 6/23/2024

Physician Assistant
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
1132 S 14th Street
Controlled Substance Prescriber (for the Treatment of Chronic Non-malignant Pain)
Discipline on File
Public Complaint

No secondary locations found.

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
ANDERSON, THERESE FARMER Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 138478 09/02/2020
ARDON, TINA PHILLIPS Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 116122 02/01/2023
BRINKER, TODD MICHAEL Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 76608 12/05/2018
CRICK, JEFFERY LOUIS Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 10009 12/05/2018
DEMATAS, KRISTINA FIEDLER Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 11332 12/05/2018
FARFORD, BRYAN ASHTON D O Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 9403 12/05/2018
FILMALTER, SARA EVELYN Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 111186 12/05/2018
GARRISON, STEPHANIE BROOKE Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 79124 12/05/2018
GRIMARD, BRIAN HUGHES Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 70881 12/05/2018
HAGA, CLAIRE BREY WHITE Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 129315 09/20/2018
JACKSON, KENSLER DAWSON JR Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 81097 12/05/2018
KEITH, JOSHUA JOEL D O Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 10672 09/02/2020
KINASZCZUK, ANJA MARIE DO Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 16004 08/19/2020
MAYNARD, JENNIFER ROTH MD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 98302 09/02/2020
MCBRAYER, R HILL Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 74403 05/06/2021
MCMULLAN, STEPHEN Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 141938 08/07/2020
MONNIER, JOHN EDWARD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 77020 12/05/2018
PRESUTTI, RICHARD JOHN D O Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 6983 04/03/2020
PUJALTE, GEORGE GUNTUR ABANES Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 121385 09/02/2020
RAUSCHENBERGER, ELIZABETH Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 91094 12/05/2018
RIFFE, IZABELA ZOFIA Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 71474 12/05/2018
ROBERTS, PAUL FRANK Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 74196 12/05/2018
SANCHEZ-LANCE, MARISOL SOL Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Osteopathic Physician 11769 08/07/2020
WALKER, ASHLEY LYNN Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 129334 09/03/2020
WALLER, THOMAS ANDREW MD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 74184 09/02/2020
WILLIS, FLOYD BANARD MD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 61455 09/01/2020

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

Click on the License Number to view License Details for that Practitioner

No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 6/23/2024

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.