License Verification

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License Number: AA270

Data As Of 6/25/2024

Anesthesiologist Assistant
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
9315 Deer Creek Dr
TAMPA, FL 33647
Discipline on File
Public Complaint

No secondary locations found.

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
ACEVEDO-NEGRON, HARRY WILLIAM SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 144653 01/23/2023
ACKERMAN, ROBERT SAMUEL SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 154608 01/23/2023
ALDAWOODI, NASRIN NADINE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 134965 01/23/2023
ANDERSON, ADRIANA LUCIA M D SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 92105 11/01/2020
BECSEY, ATTILA SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 77054 01/04/2023
BETHEA, LISA LAKENYA SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 119023 01/18/2023
BRADLEY, ANTHONY STEVEN SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 161675 07/08/2023
COHEN, JONATHAN BRETT SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 96437 01/23/2023
DOCTOR, MONICA CHRISTINE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 144955 11/01/2020
ESCHER, ALLAN RICHARD JR SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 8446 01/23/2023
ESCOBAR, ALEJANDRO SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 94848 11/01/2020
ESCOBAR, ENRIQUE DIEGO SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 118044 01/23/2023
EVANS, RAYMOND MYERS III SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 102748 01/23/2023
FREEMAN, NORMAN GEORGE SR SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 72527 11/01/2020
GIRGENTI, GREGORY THOMAS SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 89236 01/23/2023
GOLDENBERG, DAVID DMITRIY SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 19396 08/04/2023
GORBERG, ADAM GARETT SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 102397 11/01/2020
GRAVENSTEIN, NIKOLAUS LEE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 135719 11/01/2020
GRUBER, JAMES EDWARD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 64698 02/01/2017
HAFEZ, OSAMA IBRAHIM SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 93664 01/23/2023
HAMILTON, ASHLEY MARIE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 136350 11/01/2020
HOFFMAN, JAMIE P SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 100156 01/23/2023
HU, PING SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 82358 11/01/2020
HUANG, JEFFREY JIAN-HONG SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 82556 01/23/2023
IBANEZ, JESSICA SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 149925 01/23/2023
JONES, ANASTASIA SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 148930 01/23/2023
KETCHEY, CHRISTOPHER CHARLES SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 119596 11/01/2020
KOTHA, ROHINI SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 121032 01/23/2023
LIU, JINHONG SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 83549 01/23/2023
LOPEZ, BRIDGET COUGHLIN SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 134040 11/01/2020
MAHIL, AMREESH S SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 154212 02/06/2023
MASSENGILL, CHRISTOPHER LEE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 163626 08/02/2023
MORONEY, THOMAS ROGER MD SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 71767 11/01/2020
MORONEY, THOMAS ROGER MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 71767 02/01/2017
MUNCEY, AARON ROBERT SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 124325 01/23/2023
NAHRWOLD, DANIEL ALAN SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 133604 01/23/2023
NEKKANTI, SONIE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 99168 11/01/2020
NOMAN, NAFIS SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 154937 01/23/2023
ORBEGOSO, ALFREDO EDUARDO SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 69490 11/01/2020
PALOMA, ALEXANDER SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 92255 11/01/2020
PALOMA, ALEXANDER Supervising ME Medical Doctor 92255 02/01/2017
PANCHAL, SUMEDHA ANANT SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 100857 11/01/2020
PATEL, MUKESHBHAI KANUBHAI SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 63188 09/02/2015
PATEL, SEPHALIE YOGESH SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 114289 01/23/2023
PITT, WENDY YVONNE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 136048 11/01/2020
PRICE, LORRAINE ANNE SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 12704 01/23/2023
REDDY, SATISH BOLLU MD SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 102274 11/01/2020
REDDY, SATISH BOLLU MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 102274 02/01/2017
RICHARDS, LESHAWN DAVID SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 157640 10/03/2022
RIVERON, ALEJANDRA MAYRA SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 144493 09/12/2023
RONGO, MELU-JEAN PASCUAL SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 93132 11/01/2020
ROSEN, DAVID MAURICE SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 47394 11/01/2020
ROSENFELD, KEJIA ZHANG SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 85115 01/23/2023
SARRIA, JOSE E MD SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 90336 01/23/2023
SERDIUK, ANDREW ANTHONY SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 10038 01/23/2023
SLACK, KAREN ANN SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 57375 09/02/2015
SMITH, AUSTIN MATTHEW SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 17831 07/31/2023
SNELL, KENNETH PHILLIP SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 150178 07/18/2023
SUZ RUIZ, MARIA DEL PILAR SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 124904 01/23/2023
THRUSH, DAVID NEELY SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 47092 01/23/2023
VANN, H DAVID JR SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 60991 09/02/2015
VANN, H DAVID JR Supervising ME Medical Doctor 60991 02/01/2017
VINDHYA, MANI KUMAR CHAND SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 99187 11/01/2020
WESTBURY, MICHAEL JOHN SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 59436 11/01/2020
YEOH, CINDY BENG IMM SUPERVISOR for AA Medical Doctor 153526 01/23/2023

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 6/25/2024

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.