License Verification

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License Number: AA722

Data As Of 6/25/2024

Anesthesiologist Assistant
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
3641 S Miami Ave
Fl 4 Ste 411
MIAMI, FL 33133
Discipline on File
Public Complaint
20601 E Dixie Hwy Ste 400
Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
ADELEYE, MICHAEL A Supervising ME Medical Doctor 128105 05/08/2024
ALVAREZ-GIL, FRANCISCO Supervising ME Medical Doctor 40842 02/23/2024
AMARO, ERIC CHRISTOPHER Supervising ME Medical Doctor 126855 05/08/2024
BADR, AHMED Supervising ME Medical Doctor 146351 05/08/2024
BERMUDEZ-VELEZ, RAUL RICARDO Supervising ME Medical Doctor 150599 05/08/2024
BERNOT, LIANA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 92939 02/23/2024
BINFORD, MICHAEL ASHTON Supervising ME Medical Doctor 68242 05/08/2024
BREZNICK, DAVID MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 63976 05/08/2024
BROAD, ELAINE FLORA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 90537 02/23/2024
CHOUDHARY, SUDHIR KUMAR Supervising ME Medical Doctor 85241 05/08/2024
CRUZ, RAUL ALBERTO Supervising ME Medical Doctor 105871 05/08/2024
CURIA, LUCIANA MARIA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 110501 05/08/2024
DECKER, MICHAEL Supervising ME Medical Doctor 98828 05/08/2024
FARQUHAR, RENA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 152066 06/07/2024
GOMEZ, ORLANDO SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 16075 06/07/2024
GOMEZ, RUDY ANTONIO MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 79156 06/07/2024
GRAVES, CHELSEA LYNN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 163736 06/07/2024
GRINNEY, MICHAEL ALAN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 101581 06/07/2024
GUEVARA, NELSON VICENTE M D Supervising ME Medical Doctor 90099 06/07/2024
HALL, JASON PARKER Supervising ME Medical Doctor 137005 06/07/2024
ITURBIDES, VICTOR ERNESTO Supervising ME Medical Doctor 150246 02/23/2024
JEAN-PIERRE, ISABELLE AMJ Supervising ME Medical Doctor 98917 06/07/2024
KHAN, SABA FAYYAZ Supervising ME Medical Doctor 113768 06/07/2024
KIRCH, NICHOLAS IAN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 146867 05/08/2024
LAROIA, SAMRIDHI Supervising ME Medical Doctor 150920 06/07/2024
LIU, NATHAN WEI-JIM Supervising ME Medical Doctor 144657 02/23/2024
LONGFELLOW, ERIC STEVEN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 160049 06/07/2024
LOPEZ, JAVIER MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 102878 06/07/2024
MAGGIO, MATTHEW JOSEPH Supervising ME Medical Doctor 164161 06/07/2024
MAKHIJA, NIKHIL SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 17518 02/23/2024
MATIAS, JONATHAN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 154334 06/07/2024
MEHTA, SHEFALI Supervising ME Medical Doctor 158069 06/07/2024
MITCHELL, ROBERT DONALD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 128592 06/07/2024
MORCOS, EHAB SAMIR Supervising ME Medical Doctor 137857 06/07/2024
MORROW, JAMES INGEMAR Supervising ME Medical Doctor 164404 06/07/2024
MORTENSON, BETTY MARIE Supervising ME Medical Doctor 53066 02/23/2024
MURAD, HANI Supervising ME Medical Doctor 121542 06/07/2024
NAVARRO, CHRISTOPHER DAVID Supervising ME Medical Doctor 161667 06/07/2024
NEDEFF, NICHOLAS BORIS Supervising ME Medical Doctor 99083 06/07/2024
NIMMO, DANIEL KENT SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 14102 06/07/2024
OJEDA, JUAN ENRIQUE Supervising ME Medical Doctor 162842 02/23/2024
ORIHUELA GUZMAN, GIULIANA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 106606 06/07/2024
PARVAN, LUCIA STEFANIA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 114658 06/07/2024
RAHEEM, ASMA SADIQ Supervising ME Medical Doctor 130082 06/07/2024
RAHMANIE, HAMED DAVID Supervising ME Medical Doctor 101365 06/07/2024
SALDANA-FERRETTI, BEATRICE A Supervising ME Medical Doctor 95477 05/08/2024
SANTANA, ERENIO CARLOS Supervising ME Medical Doctor 85879 02/23/2024
SEMIEN, GEORGE ASHLEY Supervising ME Medical Doctor 96254 06/07/2024
SHENKMAN, DEVIN SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 19885 06/07/2024
SIMPSON, NICOLE ANN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 146772 06/07/2024
TRAN-NGUYEN, JACKLYN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 135966 06/07/2024
URBINA, JONATHAN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 160261 05/09/2024
YU, BENJAMIN DARONG Supervising ME Medical Doctor 114443 05/09/2024
YURKA, HEATHER GAIL SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 12878 05/09/2024

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 6/25/2024

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.