License Number: OS18756

Osteopathic Physician
License Status
Year Began Practicing
Not Provided
License Expiration Date

The practitioner has not verified the information contained in this profile.

Primary Practice Address
11916 Princess Grace Ct

The practitioner did not indicate if he/she participates in the Medicaid program.

Staff Privileges
This practitioner has not indicated any staff privileges.
Email Address

Please contact at: fuji_hans@yahoo.com

Other State Licenses

This practitioner has not indicated any additional state licensures.

Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
If you are a Florida Allopathic (MD) or Osteopathic (DO) Physician, you are required to provide proof of payment of the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association (NICA) assessment as required by section 766.314, Florida Statutes. Payment of the initial and annual assessment are required of all Florida Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians who do not qualify for an exemption as set forth in section 766.314(4)(b)4, Florida Statutes.

This practitioner has indicated that he/she has submitted payment of the assessment.

Specialty Certification

The practitioner did not provide this mandatory information.

Financial Responsibility

I have decided not to carry malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility; however, I agree to satisfy any adverse judgments pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in s.459.0085(5)(g),FS.I understand that I shall be required to either post notice in the form of a sign prominently displayed in the reception area and clearly noticeable by all patients and provide a written statement to any person to whom medical services are being provided. Such sign and statement shall state that: Under Florida law, osteopathic physicians are generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility to cover potential claims for medical malpractice. YOUR OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN HAS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. This is permitted under Florida law subject to certain conditions. Florida law imposes strict penalties against noninsured osteopathic physicians who fail to satisfy adverse judgments arising from claims of medical malpractice. This notice is provided pursuant to Florida law.