License Verification

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License Number: AA967

Data As Of 3/11/2025

Anesthesiologist Assistant
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
613 Henmore Brooke Dr
CARY, NC 27519
Discipline on File
Public Complaint

No secondary locations found.

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
AMER, KHALED MUHAMMAD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 85528 01/08/2025
BALL, MELINDA LEIGH Supervising ME Osteopathic Physician 20217 02/09/2025
CABREJA, RAMON FIDEL Supervising ME Medical Doctor 64355 01/08/2025
CAMILO-LOPEZ, GABRIEL Supervising ME Medical Doctor 106088 01/08/2025
CHIRUMAMILLA, SESHENDRA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 155154 01/08/2025
COLLINS, BRANSON Supervising ME Medical Doctor 151296 01/08/2025
CRUZ ZENO, ELVIN J Supervising ME Medical Doctor 157599 01/08/2025
CRUZ, RAUL ALBERTO Supervising ME Medical Doctor 105871 01/08/2025
DRISCOLL, DANNI LUTES Supervising ME Medical Doctor 85254 01/08/2025
FARINAS, VICENTE Supervising ME Medical Doctor 154959 01/08/2025
FINKEL, STEPHANIE KATZ SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 9341 01/08/2025
GOMEZ, ORLANDO SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 16075 01/08/2025
GRIMM, PETRA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 81911 01/08/2025
GRUDZINSKI, JEFFREY ADAM Supervising ME Medical Doctor 168983 01/08/2025
HYLTON, ANDRE Supervising ME Medical Doctor 129697 01/08/2025
IMAM, ZOHEB Supervising ME Medical Doctor 141824 01/08/2025
JEAN-PIERRE, ISABELLE AMJ Supervising ME Medical Doctor 98917 01/08/2025
MEZENTSEV, DMITRY Supervising ME Medical Doctor 118112 01/08/2025
MICHAELS, EMIL Supervising ME Medical Doctor 145888 01/08/2025
MITCHELL, ROBERT DONALD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 128592 01/08/2025
O'HALLORAN, ANDREW PAUL SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 10026 01/08/2025
O'HALLORAN, ANDREW PAUL Supervising ME Osteopathic Physician 10026 02/09/2025
OUTAR, ANABELLE SASHA-LEE SABRANA Supervising ME Medical Doctor 130833 01/08/2025
QUICK, JOHNNY LLOYD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 143224 01/08/2025
QUINONES, JOSEPH ALEXIS Supervising ME Medical Doctor 129701 01/08/2025
RUBIN, JONATHAN M Supervising ME Medical Doctor 66161 01/08/2025
SALVADOR, DAVID J MD Supervising ME Medical Doctor 69789 01/08/2025
SAYEDAHMAD, WALEED H Supervising ME Medical Doctor 92471 01/08/2025
SHEIKH, JANAID H SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 15306 01/08/2025
TARAZI, E MICHAEL Supervising ME Medical Doctor 139835 01/08/2025
THEILKEN, LUKE STEVEN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 170370 01/08/2025
TRUOCCHIO, MATTHEW THOMAS Supervising ME Medical Doctor 165099 01/08/2025
VACA, CONNAN Supervising ME Medical Doctor 162405 01/08/2025
VELIKOVICH, MILANA SUPERVISOR for AA Osteopathic Physician 18735 01/08/2025
WAYNE, RICHARD LEE Supervising ME Medical Doctor 67406 01/08/2025

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 3/11/2025

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.