License Verification

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License Number: PA9110702

Data As Of 12/2/2024

Physician Assistant
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive
CSB 8th GI Program
TAMPA, FL 33612
Controlled Substance Prescriber (for the Treatment of Chronic Non-malignant Pain)
Discipline on File
Public Complaint

No secondary locations found.

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
ACHARYA, MURALIDHAR KALMANJE Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 31702 10/06/2017
ANAYA, DANIEL ALFREDO Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 124095 01/31/2023
D'CUNHA, PRAKAS THOMAS Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 89756 05/14/2018
DENBO, JASON WILLIAM Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 139635 01/31/2023
DESOYZA, DEVINDA Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 146068 05/26/2021
DESSUREAULT, SOPHIE Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 87239 11/17/2022
DINEEN, SEAN PATRICK Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 133780 11/17/2022
FELDER, SETH Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 132608 11/04/2022
FLEMING, JASON BATES Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 133176 12/12/2022
HARIACHAR, SRINIVAS Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 79049 10/06/2017
HODUL, PAMELA JOY Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 88180 02/01/2023
PIMIENTO ECHEVERRY, JOSE MARIO Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 105668 12/02/2022
POWERS, BENJAMIN DANIEL Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 128282 12/01/2022
REDDY, PURUSHOTTAM MALLA MD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 56644 10/06/2017
REYES, DAISY BEATRIZ MD Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 92790 10/06/2017
SANCHEZ, JULIAN Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 117577 11/01/2022
STEFANOU, AMALIA JOANNE Supervising Prescribing Practitioner Medical Doctor 157784 12/12/2022

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

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No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 12/2/2024

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.