License Verification

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Gadsden County EMS

License Number: ALS2001

Data As Of 12/2/2024

EMS Service Provider (ALS)
License Status
License Expiration Date
License Original Issue Date
Address of Record
276 Lassalle Lefall Drive
QUINCY, FL 32351
Discipline on File
6085 Florida Georgia Highway
HAVANA, FL 32333
1 Lonesome Pine Road
165 Hutchinson Ferry Road
QUINCY, FL 32351
1535 MLK Blvd.
MIDWAY, FL 32343
Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

Click on the License Number to view License Details for that Practitioner

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date
1FMJU1H84REA82612 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 26307 8/29/2024
1GB3C0C82DF109993 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 17600 12/18/2012
1GB3COC82DF109993 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6020 2/10/2020
1GB3WSET1NF348484 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 24513 9/21/2022
1GB3WSET1NF348484 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6783 9/21/2022
1GB3WSEY0NF347469 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 24512 9/21/2022
1GB3WSEY0NF347469 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6782 9/21/2022
1GB3WSEY9NF275820 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 25073 5/11/2023
1GB3WSEY9NF275820 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6969 5/11/2023
1GB3YTEY2PF200542 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 25676 12/14/2023
1GB3YTEY2PF200542 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 7235 12/14/2023
1GB3YTEY2PF201020 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 25675 12/14/2023
1GB3YTEY2PF201020 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 7234 12/14/2023
1GC4YLE75PF172954 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 25072 5/11/2023
1GNWK5EG6DR302425 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 18339 4/11/2014
1HTKHPVK4KH298581 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 22819 2/25/2020
1HTKHPVK4KH298581 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6027 2/25/2020
1HTKHPVK6KH298534 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 22782 2/10/2020
1HTKHPVK6KH298534 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6015 2/10/2020
1HTKPVK8KH298583 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 22783 2/10/2020
1HTKPVK8KH298583 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6016 2/10/2020
1HTMYSKL1DH238236 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 24978 3/20/2023
1HTMYSKL1DH238236 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6931 3/20/2023
1HTMYSKL7CH050017 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 24977 3/20/2023
1HTMYSKL7CH050017 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6930 3/20/2023
2GCVKNEC1K1184307 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 26306 8/29/2024
3C7WRSBL1LG273454 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 23431 1/14/2021
3C7WRSBL1LG273454 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6239 1/14/2021
3C7WRSBL7LG256058 Permit Vehicle Permit (ALS) 23432 1/14/2021
3C7WRSBL7LG256058 Permit Vehicle Permits (BLS) 6240 1/14/2021

Click on the License Number to view License Details for that Practitioner

Name Relationship Profession License Effective Date

Click on the License Number to view License Details for that Practitioner

No Continuing Education Hours Received from Approved Providers As Of 12/2/2024

* To find out more about Approved Providers, or ask a provider why the course you took is not yet listed, please visit our Continuing Education Providers page.

** Personal Development is limited to no more than 3 hours per renewal cycle. Any personal development hours in excess of this 3 hour maximum cannot be used for renewal and have been subtracted from the total available for renewal.

Please do not fax proof of Continuing Education hours to the Board Office until you have received your renewal notice in the mail.

For instructions on how to request a license certification of your Florida license to be sent to another state from the Florida Department of Health, please visit the License Certifications web page.